Trends in Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is a commonly-used term, but the concept has been in the works for decades. In recent decades, cloud has come into its own as a powerful mode of computing used for businesses large, medium and small. Read on to learn about current and future trends in cloud computing.


A Brief History of the Cloud


CompTIA gives a brief history of the development of the cloud in an article about cloud trends. The first vision of the cloud, in the 1960s, was put forth by MIT Professor John McCarthy. Cloud computing would offer computing as a public utility, each subscriber paying only for what they use. In the next ten years, machines were linked to a host machine. Internet protocol had proved itself late in the 1970s, and by the 1980s, many more computers were connected to the Internet. By the 1990s, mobile devices became part of the landscape, and were able to access the Internet remotely. The code that helped Amazon to provide its online marketplace led to developing the model cloud. Cloud continued progressing to the point of “powering business operations in some form for nearly every organization.” 


The Present State of Cloud Computing


Cloud computing is currently experiencing widespread demand, and focusing on efficiency. Edge computing, which may have a major role in the future, is currently decreasing latency (the time it takes for data to travel from its point of energy to its destination, and back again). Organizations can expand their capabilities and retain functionality across locations; this could be vital for Unified Communications. The “anything as a service” (XaaS) model provides multiple services that businesses need to make processes efficient. Desktop as a Service is part of this, providing a virtual desktop that users can access via the Internet. The back-end infrastructure and software are handled by the cloud provider. With remote work still popular, DaaS is still in demand. Artificial intelligence is still part of the picture, automating processes and increasing personalization. Deploying multiple cloud environments, either through multi-cloud or hybrid-cloud can help keep systems running when user demand is high; a backup cloud can take on workloads from other clouds that become overwhelmed. 


Future Trends in Cloud Computing


Efficiency will continue to be a desired goal in the future. Cloud automation’s role is to eliminate the need for humans to complete rote tasks, allowing systems to run more efficiently. Automation will also help businesses tie together cloud technologies to enhance efficiency. Edge computing will cut down on the use of data centers; instead, data will be handled on peripheral devices. Cloud computing, with its vast data stores, will give quantum computing the power it needs to operate. The cloud will also support artificial intelligence (AI) giving it the vast stores of data it needs for its models. In turn, AI will help with automation of cloud services. 


Exciting developments are in the future, though they can be overwhelming. To learn how to capitalize on upcoming trends, contact your trusted technology advisor today. 

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